There are some costs associated with going to school that you may find it helpful to plan and budget for such as:
Summer and Winter uniforms can be purchased through two different suppliers:
- South Coast Uniforms
- WB Sports and Promotional Wear.
School books and equipment
Students across Kindergarten to Year 6 have various opportunities throughout the year to learn outside the school context. Notes will be sent home with students regarding excursions and camps and associated costs.
Voluntary school contribution
At the start of each year we may ask for a voluntary school contribution to enhance our educational and sporting programs. We try to keep any additional costs to a minimum and may be able to assist families who are having financial difficulty paying schooling costs.
Fee per student $35 / $70 family fee for two or more students.
Extra curricular activities
The following extra curricula activities will require payment if your child is involved:
- drama club
- band
- wakakirri
- coding club
- tourament of the minds.